Rolfe Judd - Events & Social

A selection of branding materials for Rolfe Judd for the purposes of social and events.

Rolfe Judd — 2019-Present


Radio Rolfe Judd

The whole point of the radio station was to create an inclusive environment for staff throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. As I was fortunate enough to remain employed, I wanted to create a tool to help connect members of staff with the use of a shared radio station to which everyone was able to submit playlists. To do so, I designed the branding, coordinated the implementation and logistics.

Take a look at the introduction document for yourself

Radio Rolfe Judd Poster Design.png

Shown above is a selection of the playlist icons that I personalized and designed for each member of staff, to suit their style. This was done in addition to my daily workload as a passion project which was very beneficial to the team at Rolfe Judd. The project allowed me to explore the brand and its wider scope, while also building interpersonal connections in the office.


Rolfe Judd Quiz Night

I was asked to team up with a colleague to design and host a Zoom quiz night for members of staff to further create a community in a time of isolation. My partner and I had an excellent time writing the questions and I took it upon myself to design and illustrate the accompanying graphics. This led to a great night with a lot of laughs and helped to provide a sense of normalcy and connection. I also designed t-shirts for the quiz winners as a memento that was sent to them directly.

Why not try the quiz for yourself


The William Road Gallery


John McAslan + Partners - Financial Document